Swan Song
Curated by Rowena Chiu
St. Annes House, Soho, London
A one night exhibition on 16 January 2010
Curated by Rowena Chiu
St. Annes House, Soho, London
A one night exhibition on 16 January 2010

Aidan Doherty
Alex Roberts
Amy Moffat
Andrea Tyrimos
Carolina Ambida
Harry Scoging Beer
Henry Krokatsis
Jamie Partridge
Katarina Forss
Katie Honan
Keran Dee
Mathilda Holmqvist
Nathaniel Rackowe
Romela Crnogorac
Tereza Buskova
Yolande Kenny
Yukako Shibata
‘All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy, for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter into another.’
Anatole France
Swan Song is a one-night exhibition that will take place in an evacuated 19th Century townhouse off Dean Street, the last remaining in its block of buildings destined for demolition to make way for the area’s new Crossrail station. Loaned to the project by the last of the former occupants of the house, the exhibition will encompass a variety of suddenly empty spaces, cleared of possessions with only hints of its former domestic past, as though abandoned in pre-apocalyptic haste.
The exhibition is a valediction to Soho after over a decade of inhabitation. Works in the exhibition include film, paintings, installations and murals. Many of the works have been created for the site and integrated within the framework of the building, conceived and installed 24 hours before the opening and lit using found lighting.